Frequently asked questions

When or how to download the mod?

The patch has already been released, you can download it as of now on the main page. Check Install out to set it up!

Can it be played it on Wii / Dolphin / mobile?

It can be played on any platform that supports the original game.

Will it be possible to play online?

Yes! Xtreme 2013 will get its own private server, which means it will also get an entirely new ranking. Some changes have been made to make online matches more interesting… So check the features out!

Are you going to translate it?

Unfortunately not. But translation patches will most likely work with the mod, do not worry about that.

Is it free?

Of course it is!

Is it possible to use Strikers 2013’s save files on Xtreme?

No, you should start one from scratch or use the complete one you can download here. To use it, open Dolphin and right click on the original game then “Open Wii Save Folder”. There you can paste the “xtreme.sav” file.

I can’t find “Start with Riivolution Patches”.

Your Dolphin version might be too old. Please download the latest beta version.

My game crashes when I want to recruit new players.

Make sure to have your cheat codes disabled before starting the game.